Donnerstag, 6. Oktober 2011

EMAIL aus dem Jemen - Lage immer hoffnungsloser - Saleh empfängt Fussball-Juniornationalteam

Während in Offiziellen Nachrichten nur berichtet wird, wem " Präsident " Saleh zum Geburtstag gratuliert hat, oder
President Saleh receives football junior national team

Sun, 25 Sep 2011 17:59:12 +0300
SANA'A, Sep. 25 (Saba) - President Ali Abdullah Saleh received here on Sunday the national junior football team after qualifying for 2011 Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Cup finals.

President Saleh receives phone call from Sultan Qaboos
Sat, 24 Sep 2011 20:00:46 +0300
SANA'A, Sep. 24 (Saba) - President Ali Abdullah Saleh received Saturday a phone call from Sultan Qaboos bin Said al Said of Oman.

President Saleh congratulates Saudi King

Wed, 21 Sep 2011 17:42:52 +0300

SANA'A, Sep. 21 (Saba) - President Ali Abdullah Saleh sent on Wednesday a congratulation cable to King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud on the occasion of the National Day.

President Saleh congratulates Malian, Maltese counterparts
Wed, 21 Sep 2011 17:42:18 +0300
SANA'A, Sep. 21 (Saba) - President Ali Abdullah Saleh sent on Wednesday a congratulation cable to President of Malta George Abela on the occasion of the National Day.

und ALIBIgespräche mit EU und Vertretern verschiedener Staaten geführt werden, der "Präsident" zur Einstellung der Kämpfe aufruft und gleichzeitig in Taiz, Aden, Al Hodeida, Regierungstruppen gegen Zivilbevölkerung mit grösster Härte und Grausamkeit vorgehen,
sind die Menschen immer verzweifelter. Heute erreichte mich wieder ein Email aus Sanaa.

" Gretttings from Yemen, I am fine, so far so alive... hahahah

I can not believe it I still can laugh ... the situation here is miserable. I am sure you got an idea about it from the Media. Still alive still suffering. things here are getting wrose and worse... now streets of the capital are not safe... snipers or unknown shooter could kill the passer randomly. We get electricity only 2 to 3 hours a day, prices are very high. companies closed and a lot of people lost their jobs... life here became very difficult. Anyway, for me I am jobless now and I am very deprssed. I start to lose hope... Please say hi to XXX.. take care and keep in touch."

Täglich gibt es gewalttätige Angriffe und Morde an Frauen, Kindern, Irgendjemand wird erschossen.
Die Fronten verhärten sich, Hunderttausende sind täglich protestierend auf den Strassen.

Last updated: 12:02:50 PM GMT(+03) Monday, 03, October, 2011

Death of a Child in Sana'a Sparks Public Outrage

Yemen Post Staff

A little 7 year-old school girl was killed yesterday as her neighborhood in Sana'a became the target of yet another mortar attack by the government forces as the latter were trying to dislodge protesters and dissidents troops from their positions north of the capital, Sana'a.
Residents near, Baghdad Street, Hail Street, around the Kentucky roundabout and in the outskirts of the University where most of the revolutionaries are stationed, have told the press that it was all becoming too much. The continuous shelling and use of heavy artillery have destroyed countless businesses and residences forcing its residents to flee the area, uncertain where to go.
A medical source from the field hospital where Myrian Said Basheer was taken, confirmed that she had died from wounds consistent with a shelling attack. They added that 6 other people, including 2 children had been injured that same day when a shell landed next to their place of residence.
Since president Saleh surprise return to Yemen, the capital has been thrown onto the midst of a never ending cycle of violence with reports everyday of new civilian casualties. And since the government is relentlessly targeting densely populated districts of the capital, more deaths and casualties are bound to mount.
Yemen Post Staff

* Source: Yemen Post

Wie zum Hohn hat der jemenitische Aussenminister Abu Bakr al-Qirbi letzte Woche an der 18. Session des  UN-Menschenrechtsrates in Genf teilgenommen.

Das Spiel aus dem Jahr 2006 wird sich wiederholen. Saleh , der sich bis jetzt weigert zu kandidieren, wird plötzlich Lebensmittel und Treibstoff verteilen lassen und als grosser Retter des Landes gefeiert werden.
Dem Ruf nach einer Präsidentschaftskandidatur "muss" er , der Übervater, zum Wohle des Landes annehmen. Korruption, Ausbeutung des Landes und Familienwirtschaft wird weitergehen.

Von wo kommen die dann verteilten Grundnahrungsmittel ? Sie werden jetzt schon für den Tag X zurückgehalten, das Jemenitische Volk wird systematisch in eine Hungersnot getrieben, um dann von IHM gerettet zu werden.

Quellen: Privat, Yemen Post(kritisch), Saba Net(regierungstreu)

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