Freitag, 21. Januar 2011

Selbstverbrennung im Jemen Unruhen im Land nach Tunesischem Vorbild

1030 Yemeni Security Force Members Killed, Wounded in 2010
* Yemen Post Staff

Yemen's Interior Ministry said that at least 1030 members of Yemeni security forces were killed or wounded in clashes against terrorists, separatists, criminals, and outlaws in Yemeni provinces during 2010.

In a statement posted on its website, the ministry said that at least 178 security force members were killed in clashes against Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), while 852 others were wounded.

Lately, Sana'a and other Yemeni cities witnessed many demonstrations calling for copying the Tunisian-style in Yemen.

Yemeni government is facing several problems, Al-Qaeda in southern and eastern cities, Southern Movement in the south, and Houthi groups in the north.

Yemen Post Staff

* Source: Yemen Post Newspaper


Last updated: 05:10:39 PM GMT(+03) Thursday, 20, January, 2011

Young Yemeni Burns himself in Al-Bedea Province

Yemen Post Staff

A man set fire to himself in Rada'a district, Al-Bedea province, as he tried to commit suicide in protest against the Yemeni government.
Security sources and witnesses said Saleem Al-Amrani poured gasoline on his body hoping ot die rather than live a difficult life.
Sources said that he was taken to a hospital in Sana'a.
This action by the young Yemeni came after a young Muhammad Bouazizi set fire to himself in the city of Sidi Bouzid on 17 December in protest at the humiliating treatment from the police in Tunisia.
Yemen Post Staff

* Source: Yemen Post Newspaper

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